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iOR Integration Center

Integration courses in Freiburg and Lörrach

The iOR Language Institute is an approved course provider for the integration course implemented by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

The integration course comprises 700 hours:

  • German language course - 600 hours / 6 modules
  • “Living in Germany” orientation course - 100 hours

and ends with the DTZ-B1 Exam.

The iOR Language Institute offers general integration courses, refresher courses and literacy courses:

  • Beginners to intermediate A1, A2, B1
  • Group size 15-20 students
  • Course price per student €1.95 per UE (teaching unit - 45 minutes), therefore €195 per 100UE module
  • For ALG II beneficiaries the course is free
  • Courses run continuously throughout the year
  • Courses are offered in both Freiburg and Lörrach

Since November 2015 Integration Course for
- Asylum seekers with a residence permit purs. to § 55 para. 1 AsylG (Asylum Procedure Act),
- Foreigners tolerated purs. to § 60a para. 2 sentence 3 AufenthG (Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory) and
- Foreigners with a residence permit purs. to § 25 para. 5 AufenthG

You can apply for an integration course at our language institute.

Integration courses in Freiburg

Morning courses: 08:30 - 12:30 / 5 units Mo – Fri
Morning courses: 08:30 - 11:45 / 4 units Mo – Fri
Afternoon courses: 13:00-17:00 / 5 units Mo – Thu/Fri
Evening courses: 17:45-21:00 / 4 units Mo – Thu

Integration courses in Lörrach

Morning courses: 8:45-12:45 / 5 units Mo – Fri
Afternoon courses: 13:00-17:00 / 5 units Mo – Fri

A fact sheet on the integration course for newly arrived immigrants and existing immigrants who are required to attend is available in multiple languages here.

More information on integration and integration courses here.

Participation and fees

For integration courses, the German Residence Law stipulates different participation regulations and costs.

Normally, the course is free for ALG II (unemployment pay type II) beneficiaries. However, an application for exemption from the costs must be submitted to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). Once it is approved, we can confirm your course start date.

In other cases, the course price per student is €1.95 per UE (teaching unit - 45 minutes). Therefore one module costs €195 for 100 teaching units.

Your rights

When you register for an integration course you also have to take a placement test in order for us to find out which course level is right for you. Upon receiving your approval of course participation from the BAMF, we can confirm the expected start date of your course.

After the enrolment process you are entitled to:

  • Regular lessons
  • A qualified teacher
  • Well-equipped classrooms

You will also be entitled to a certificate of regular attendance.

If you have any questions please contact us at:

iOR Language Institute Freiburg
iOR Language Institute Lörrach

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