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Cybersteel Inc.
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Our partners, working groups, cooperations

We have summarized important tips and information for our future students which we have gathered during our years of experience in the field of integration courses. We hope this will help you as you take your first steps in Germany.

Offering integration courses involves close and successful cooperation with many other institutions and public authorities.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF); Ausländerbehörden (Foreigners' Authorities) in Freiburg and Lörrach; Jobcenters in Freiburg and Lörrach, Information centres for adults and youth (Adult Migration Service / MBE; Youth Migration Service / JMD); as well as community centres, nurseries, associations and councils.

We are constantly in touch with these partners, exchanging tips and information on integration in Germany.

Our regional coordinator from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is Mr. Blum.

The citizens' service of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees will answer any questions regarding immigration law - for example integration courses, residence permits and naturalization.

Citizens' Service office hours & contact details:
Tel. +49 911 943-6390
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 12:00 CET

Adult Migration Service (MBE)
How can I find a job? Where can I learn German? Where can I find childcare facilities for my children? If you are new to Germany, some things will seem strange to you and will work differently from the way they work in your home country. The Adult Migration Service (MBE) will help you to feel at home in Germany.

Even if you have been living in Germany for a while, the advisors can help you solve your problems. They will support you from your first day in Germany and can advise you in relation to any questions you might have.

Youth Migration Service (JMD)
The initial phase of living in a foreign country is both exciting and challenging, especially for young people. They want to find new friends and prove themselves at school or at work. The Youth Migration Service (JMD) helps young people to meet the challenges of integrating into life in Germany. They advise and help young immigrants, including young adults up to the age of 27 who are no longer required to attend school.

Welcome Center Freiburg - Oberrhein
The Freiburg - Upper Rhine Welcome Center offers free information and advice for migrant workers, and can provide referrals to other services if needed.

Information for new immigrants from EU countries. Flyer

Jobcenter Freiburg  Flyer

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