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iOR Vocational language courses

iOR Vocational language courses

Vocational language courses A2-B1-B2-C1 (DeuFöV).

Who can attend?

Our vocational language courses are aimed at people from an immigrant background. This includes immigrants (including asylum-seekers from countries with high protection rates), EU citizens and Germans from an immigrant background, who:

  • need to attain a certain language level in order to achieve
    professional recognition or access their occupation
  • are in training or seeking a traineeship
  • are registered job-seekers and / or in receipt of
    unemployment benefit
  • are in work, but whose knowledge of German is insufficient
    to cope with the everyday professional requirements


Which other requirements must you meet?

To attend our vocational language courses, you must have completed our integration course or achieved at least
Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).

Basic modules

The basic modules form the fundamental elements of our vocational language courses, and will allow you to achieve the next highest level

  • В1 to В2,
  • В2 to С1,
  • С1 to С2

The basic modules teach the German language skills that are generally required in the workplace. You will learn the
vocabulary, expressions and grammar that you will need to communicate with your colleagues, customers and superiors.
The basic modules will also help you write professional e-mails and letters and understand written texts, such as operating instructions. Much of this knowledge will also be useful in your private life. The basic modules will also broaden your understanding of job interviews and employment contracts, for example, and therefore optimally prepare you for the world of work.

Special modules

The special modules develop your technical knowledge and are specifically aimed at:

  • people who are in the process of achieving professional

people who want to work in a certain occupation and
need specific German knowledge, in healthcare, as
teachers or in the technical and commercial sector,
for example

There are also special modules for participants who have not achieved Level B1 during the integration course. These modules allow them to acquire Level A2 or B1 language skills.

Flyer: Vocational language courses (in accordance with § 45a of AufenthG / Residence Act)BAMF

If you have any questions please contact us at:

iOR Language Institute Freiburg
iOR Language Institute Lörrach

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